Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Sori Daijin ni Nattara (2024)

Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Sori Daijin ni Nattara (2024) HD RAW

What if Tokugawa Ieyasu Becomes Prime Minister? , If Tokugawa Ieyasu Became Prime Minister , Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Souri Daijin ni Nattara

Country: Japan

Director: Takeuchi Hideki

Actors: Akaso EijiEguchi NorikoGACKTHamabe Minami

Genres: Comedy, Japan Drama, Political

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Movie: Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Sori Daijin ni Nattara Country: Japan Release Date: Jul 26, 2024 Duration: 1 hr. 50 min. Content Rating: G - All Ages

Movie plot

In the year 2020, when Covid-19 is rapidly spreading around the world, chaos ensues and people’s daily lives are completely upended. A virus outbreak suddenly occurs at the prime minister’s office in Japan. This leads to the prime minister’s sudden death. The Japanese government then puts in place an unprecedented plan, which is to bring back the greatest leaders from Japan’s past through AI holograms and form a super cabinet with them. These famous individuals include Ieyasu Tokugawa, Ryoma Sakamoto, Nobunaga Oda, and Hideyoshi Toyotomi. People are stunned and at the same time go crazy over the endless execution of policies by this new legendary cabinet.

Risa Nishimura wants to become an announcer and currently works as a TV reporter for a broadcasting station. She approaches a government spokesperson, Ryoma Sakamoto, for an exclusive scoop. Due to an unexpected case, she realizes that something is going on behind this cabinet.

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