Rishabh his wife Vartika and his five friends Kabir,Samar his wife Naina,Harpreet and his wife Harpreet (Happy) meet at the wedding of Vartika’s sister.During the Sangeet ceremony the group gather in Rishabh’s room where Vartika decides to play a game where everyone will have to keep their phones on table and whose ever phone rings or gets a message they will have to share it openly.This game starts as a fun to everyone with funny moments but takes a ugly turn when their secrets start coming out in open leading to misunderstandings between the couple’s. Written by [email protected]
Khel Khel Mein (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 135 min
Country: India
Director: Mudassar Aziz
Actors: Aditya SealAkshay KumarAmmy VirkFardeen KhanIshitta Arun…Maahi JainPatil Jitendra AbhijeetPragya JaiswalTaapsee PannuVaani Kapoor
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Other Asian
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