A man leaving his past behind and living as a househusband is chased by his wife for his secret life! A hardworking househusband and a former special forces officer, Kang Moo, is hiding his past from his wife, Mi Sun, who is a violent crime detective. One day, a mysterious woman, Hee Joo, appears to Kang Moo, and Mi Sun assumes that her husband is having an affair. Mi Sun is after Kang Moo, and Kang Moo is after something else. It eventually leads both of them to unexpected situations! Kang Moo can no longer be a peaceful househusband after all…!
Mission Cross (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 105 min
Country: South Korea
Director: Lee Myung Hoon
Actors: Dawn AndersonHa Jung-minHwang Jung-minJeon Hye-jinJolene Kim…Kim Chan-HyungKim Joo-hunLee Ga-KyungYoon Dae-yeolYum Jung-ah
Genres: Action, Comedy, Korean Movie
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- Movie: Mission Cross
- Country: South Korea
- Release Date: Aug 9, 2024
- Duration: 1 hr. 40 min.
Movie plot
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