During the 2007 elections, a former sexy star and a land-grabbing tycoon are in a tight race for mayor. Emmy, a strict yet popular teacher in a small town, is assigned to the Board of Election Inspectors for her local precinct. When violence erupts, she runs into the forest with a ballot box containing the last copy of the election results. Armed only with her resourcefulness, courage and wit, she tries to outmaneuver the goons who want the elections to fail. Her loved ones and community are caught in the crossfire as she pays an increasingly steep price for defending the democratic process.
Balota (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 102 min
Country: Philippines
Director: Kip Oebanda
Actors: Donna CariagaEsnyr RanolloFelix PetateJoel Saracho…Marian RiveraNico AntonioRaheel BhyriaRoyce CabreraSue PradoWill Ashley
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Other Asian, Thriller
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