Stree’s fear has ended in Chanderi. While the mysterious women who helped Vicky has also disappeared and villagers feel he is gone crazy for loving a ghost. But another fear has started to haunt village where a behead man (Sarkatta) is targeting women of Chanderi. Vicky gets a hint from the mysterious women that Chanderi again needs his help to save the women where he along with his friends Rudra, Bittu and Janna enter the haunted house where Stree lived and Sarkatta is buried. Vicky and his fiends are attacked by Sarkatta they manage to flee but he chases them and Vicky’s life is in danger until the mysterious women who now has more powers in her arrives and saves him and tells them together they all should team up again to save women of Chanderi.
Stree 2: Sarkate Ka Aatank (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 147 min
Country: India
Director: Amar Kaushik
Actors: Abhishek BanerjeeAkshay KumarAnya Singh…Aparshakti KhuranaAtul SrivastavaPankaj TripathiRajkummar RaoShraddha KapoorTamannaah BhatiaVarun Dhawan
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Other Asian
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