Eight years ago, when the East Timor referendum was announced, Langit promised to take Bintang away from this country so that they could stay together. Unfortunately, Langit never came. After 8 years had passed, Langit emerged as a very different person. When Bintang demanded an explanation, she found surprising facts about the reason Langit did not keep his promise.
Cinta Dari Timor (2024) ENGSUB - HD
referendum 99
2024 82 min
Country: Indonesia
Director: Angger Yudha Setiawan
Actors: Abdurrahman ArifAdhisty ZaraEko Mulyadi…Jourdy PranataRaia WahabTanta GintingTyo PakusadewoVerdi SolaimanWidi MuliaYoga Pratama
Genres: Drama, History, Other Asian, Romance
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