Iwamori Jun’s girlfriend is killed by a man named Mizoguchi. He experiences a great sense of loss over her death and decides to take revenge on her killer. He makes a detailed plan and carries it out perfectly. The man named Mizoguchi is killed, but, the next morning, Iwamori Jun finds that Mizoguchi is still alive and the day has gone back to the day before. From that moment, the same day repeats itself.
Penalty Loop HD RAW
Penaruti Rupu , Penaruti Ruupu
2024 99 min
Country: Japan
Director: Shinji Araki
Actors: Malyka AliRyûya WakabaYûsuke Iseya
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Korean Movie, Thriller
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- Movie: Penalty Loop
- Country: Japan
- Release Date: Mar 22, 2024
- Duration: 1 hr. 39 min.
Movie plot
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