As Tang Sanzang and his disciples arrive at Lion Camel Ridge, they encounter villagers captured by demons. Wukong’s attempt to rescue them goes awry, and he and Zhu Bajie fall into a trap set by the three demon kings. Overwhelmed by their enemies, Wukong seeks help from the Buddha and learns the value of unity and teamwork. With the help of his brothers and a Bodhisattva, they work together to save the villagers and continue their journey westward, stronger and more united than before.
Monkey King Fight Lion Camel (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Sun Wu Kong Da Nao Shi Tuo Ling , 孫悟空大鬧獅駝嶺
Country: China
Actors: Francis ChaiJin Jia YuShi Guo HuiXie Miao
Genres: Action, China Movie, Fantasy
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Movie: Monkey King Fight Lion Camel Country: China Release Date: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 1 hr. 14 min. Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
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