After suffering from serial paranormal events, a wealthy family living in LA summons a young rising shaman duo Hwa Rim and Bong Gil to save the newborn of the family. Once they arrive, Hwa Rim senses a dark shadow of their ancestor has latched on the family in a so-called ‘Grave Calling’. In order to exhume the grave and relieve the ancestor, Hwa Rim seeks help from top-notch geomancer Sang Deok and mortician Yeong Geun. To their dismay, the four find the grave at a shady location in a remote village in Korea. Unaware of the consequences, the exhumation is carried out, unleashing a malevolent force buried underneath.
Exhuma (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Pamyo , The Unearthed Grave
2024 134 min
Country: South Korea
Director: Jang Jae-hyun
Actors: Choi Min-sikDerek ChouinardHong Seo-junJung Yun-HaKim Go-eunKim Jae-cheolKim Sun-youngLee Do-hyunLee Yeong-ran…Yoo Hae Jin
Genres: Horror, Korean Movie, Mystery, Supernatural, Thriller
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- Movie: Exhuma
- Country: South Korea
- Release Date: Feb 16, 2024
- Duration: 2 hr. 13 min.
Movie plot
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