Myung Deuk and Dong Hyeok are detectives who investigate crimes as their main job and collect bribes as their side job. They happen to obtain information about money belonging to a crime group. To change their lives, they make a plan to steal money that can’t be reported or traced. They set up a near-perfect plan, but an unexpected situation unfolds before them. A detective who is conducting an undercover investigation at the scene dies. The case now turns into a murder case, and Myung Deuk and Dong Hyeok are the ones investigating the detective’s death. They try to cover up the crime, but evidence from the crime scene points to them.
Dirty Money (2024)
2024 100 min
Country: South Korea
Director: Kim Min-soo
Actors: Baek Soo-jangChoi Jun-yongHan Hye-JiJung Hae-kyunJung WooKim Dae-myung…Park Byeong-eunShim Wan-JoonTeo Yoo
Genres: Action, Crime, Korean Movie, Mystery, Thriller
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