By the Stream (2024)

By the Stream (2024)

111 min

Country: South Korea

Director: Hong Sang-soo

Actors: Cho YoungKim Min-heeKwon Hae-hyo

Genres: Drama, Korean Movie

3.82/ 5 2 votes


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Movie plot

Bookending her days by contemplatively sitting by a stream, Jeo Nim sketches in her notebook, where patterns inspired by nature serve her elaborate textile designs. An artist and lecturer at a woman’s university, she calls upon her uncle Chu Sieon, a once-famous actor-director to come direct her department’s production for the school’s annual skit festival as a scandal has caused literal drama among the group and the dismissal of the original director. While the visit stirs the latter’s memories from his experience directing a skit at that same university 40 years prior, Jeo Nim’s supervisor grants him a warm and flirty welcome, happy to be in the presence of greatness. During the course of the rehearsals, and as the moon grows fuller and energies collide, students and teachers alike reach deep within themselves to explore their fragile, fallible selves.

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