Nocturnal (2025)

Nocturnal (2025) HD RAW

Night Trip , Broken , Beulokeun , Yahaeng , 야행

99 min

Country: South Korea

Director: Jin-hwang Kim

Actors: Ha Jung-wooHeo Sung-taeIm Sung-jae…Jeong Man-sikKim Chan-HyungKim Nam-gilPark Jong-hwan…Yoo Da-in

Genres: Korean Movie, Mystery, Thriller

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  • Movie: Nocturnal
  • Country: South Korea
  • Release Date: Feb 5, 2025
  • Duration: 1 hr. 39 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Movie plot

One day, his only brother, Seok Tae, returns as a corpse. And his wife, Moon Yeong, disappears. On the night his brother dies and truth falls asleep, fury awakens. Bae Min Tae, who is searching for clues to the case, meets a novelist, Kang Ho Ryeong, who is following the same trail as him and learns that his brother’s death was predicted in his bestseller, “Night Trip”. In the midst of the confusion between the tangled truths, the organisation his brothers were involved in and the police intervene, chasing each other, and Min Tae begins to pursue fury to uncover the truth about the night his brother died.

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