Seo Young, a graphic designer in her early 30s, works in an office in Seoul that is high up in a skyscraper, despite the fact that she suffers from vertigo. The story follows her as she enters into a romance with a man who works on the face of the building as he fixes it, moving up and down by rope. The pair meets through a window.
Vertigo (2019) ENGSUB - HD
2019 109 min
Country: South Korea
Director: Jeon Gye-soo
Actors: Chun Woo-heeHa Do-kwonJeong Jae-kwangPark Ye-young…Teo YooYoon Sang-hwa
Genres: Drama, Korean Movie, Melo, Romance
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Movie: Vertigo Country: South Korea Release Date: Oct 17, 2019 Duration: 1 hr. 54 min. Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
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