In ancient Kerala, where Tantra/Maya held sway, Thevan, a novice singer from a caste of folk singers (Paanan), narrowly escapes from slavers and finds himself lost. While fleeing, he stumbles upon an eerie household in the middle of a forest with a seemingly benevolent master and his servant. The master welcomes him, but it soon becomes clear that he is a malevolent goblin from folklore known as Chaathan, who has taken on the master’s identity. The creature from darkness ensnares anyone who enters the house as its lifelong servants. The story delves into whether Thevan and the current first servant can break free from the goblin’s control.
Bramayugam (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 139 min
Country: India
Director: Rahul Sadasivan
Actors: Akash ChandranAluva Sheeba SebastianAmalda LizAndrèArjun AshokanMammoottyManikandan R. AchariRafnas RafeekSergi…Sidharth Bharathan
Genres: Drama, Horror, Other Asian, Thriller
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