11 Rebels (2024)

11 Rebels (2024) ENGSUB - HD

11 no Zokugun , Juichinin no Zokugun , Juuichinin no Zokugun , じゅういちにんのぞくぐん

155 min

Country: Japan

Director: Kazuya Shiraishi

Actors: Chikara Motoyama…Hayate IchinoseKano IchikiRiho SayashiSadao AbeSeiji ChiharaTaiga NakanoTakayuki YamadaUkon OnoeYûya Matsuura

Genres: History, Japan Movie

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  • Movie: 11 Rebels
  • Country: Japan
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2024
  • Duration: 2 hr. 35 min.
  • Content Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Movie plot

The historical betrayal by the Shibata domain of Niigata happened in the shadows of the Boshin War, the fiercest war in Japanese history. The 11-member suicide squad takes on a hopeless fortress defense mission. When the interests of the Shibata domain, the old shogunate and the new government collide, their heroic battle begins!

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