After years of savings and sacrifice, the Kamikis, a tight-knit family of seven, are elated when their dream of owning a home in the countryside finally comes true. Sure, the house is a bit old and creaky, but nothing could possibly ruin this fresh start for them… Except for the vengeful ghost of a murdered girl, of course, and it doesn’t take long until fleeting shadows and eerie voices start disrupting their haven of peace. So, when things turn violent and inexplicable accidents befall his parents and siblings, eldest son Norio is shocked to see his sweet, dementia-ridden grandmother suddenly step up as the family’s protector. Refusing to let any kind of evil spirit bully them out of their house, she’s come up with a master plan, and needs Norio’s help to uncover the truth about poor little Sayuri’s untimely death.
House of Sayuri (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 108 min
Country: Japan
Director: Kôji Shiraishi
Actors: Fusako UrabeHana KondôKitarôKokoro MoritaRyôka MinamideZen Kajihara
Genres: Horror, Japan Movie, Supernatural
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Movie: Sayuri Country: Japan Release Date: Jul 4, 2024 Duration: 1 hr. 48 min. Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
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