Na A-Jeong (Jun Jong-Seo) works as an extra actress. She’s talented as an actress, but she has gotten recognized for her work at all. She has experience acting as a married woman, but, in real life, her dating life is on the back burner due to her difficult reality. She has a male friend named Lee Do-Han (Kim Do-Wan) whom she has known for 15 years. Lee Do-Han is the son of a chaebol family that runs the LJ Group. He is pushed to get married by his family, but he has a secret that he can’t marry. Lee Do-Han turns to his friend Na A-Jeong and asks if she would act like his wife and daughter-in-law of his family. She accepts the offer and prepares to play the first leading role in her life as Lee Do-Han’s wife. At that time, she has an unexpected disrupter. That person is Lee Ji-Han (Moon Sang-Min), who is Lee Do-Han’s younger brother. Lee Ji-Han has ambitions to make his older brother Lee Do-Han the successor of the LJ Group. Lee Ji-Han works hard to achieve his goal, but his plan is disrupted by his brother’s sudden wedding announcement. Lee Ji-Han now tries to prevent his brother’s wedding and he brings Yoon Chae-Won (Bae Yoon-Kyoung) into the picture as his brother’s potential bride. Written by AsianWiki
Wedding Impossible (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Weding Impaseobeul , Wedingimpaseobeul , 웨딩임파서블
Now showing: Episode 12
Country: South Korea
Actors: Hong InJeon Jong-seoKang Na-eonKim Do-wanKim Soo-jinKim Ye-wonKim Young HoonMoon Sang-minSeo Woo-JinSeung You
Genres: Business, Comedy, Drama, Korean Drama, Romance
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