Upon release of an unprecedented heinous criminal from prison, a public bounty with a payout of 20 billion won is offered for his murder. Baek Joong Sik is the detective who must protect this killer from the citizens. Kim Kook Ho is the heinous criminal and murderer released from prison after serving thirteen years. He retains Lawyer Lee Sang Bong as his legal representative. Meanwhile, Yoon Chang Jae is a butcher who attempts to recover his missing money.
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Open Murder Contract , Public Murder Appeal , Public Murder Request , No Way Out , No Wei Aus , Gonggaesalincheongbu , 노 웨이 아웃 , 공개살인청부
Now showing: Episode 8
Country: South Korea
Director: Choi Kook Hee
Actors: Cho Jin-woongKim Mu-yeolYoo Jae-myungYum Jung-ah
Genres: Action, Business, Comedy, Crime, Korean Drama, Mystery, Thriller
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