Following impregnable data of breakups established through seasons 1 and 2, the romance-destroying talk show is back with Season 3. After strong nagging by the panellists on love stories, which are more unbelievable than soap operas, more and more troubled men and women are being released from their bitter relationships. This season, they will diagnose the relationship concerns more strongly and with more determination to help people trapped in absurd situations in the name of love or romance or to break up and start afresh.
Love Naggers Season 3 (2020) Episode 253 SUB
Yeon-aeui Chamgyeon , Yeonaeui Chamgyeon Sijeun 3
Country: South Korea
Actors: Han Hye-jinJoo Woo-jaeJung Jun-hwanKim SookKwak Jeong-eunSeo Jang-hoon
Genres: Korean Show, Romance, Youth
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- TV Show: Love Naggers Season 3
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 260
- Aired: Jan 7, 2020 - ?
- Aired On: Tuesday
- Original Network: KBS1
- Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Movie plot
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