“Project 7” is an ‘assembly, strengthening’ audition program that breaks away from the audition format in which viewers mainly participated by voting, directly selecting participants for each round from the first round, forming a new team, and growing their favorite participants through the process. It is a differentiated new concept idol audition program that introduces the concept of “Project 7”, a new concept idol assembly reinforcement audition scheduled to be aired on JTBC in October, is open to all ‘men who dream of becoming top-tier idols’ without restrictions on affiliation, experience, age, nationality, etc.
Project 7 (2024) Episode 12 SUB
Project Seven , Peurojekteu 7
2024 120 MIN
Country: South Korea
Actors: Bada LeeHa Sung WoonJ-MinLee Hae InLee Soo-hyukRyan S. Juhn
Genres: Korean Show, Music
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- TV Show: Project 7
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: Oct 18, 2024 - Dec 27, 2024
- Aired On: Friday
- Original Network: jTBC
- Duration: 2 hr. 0 min.
Movie plot
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