Love in the Big City

Love in the Big City

Now showing: episode 8

Latest EP: 876

Country: South Korea

Actors: Byun Jun-seoHo Eun JinHyuk KwonHyun Kyung OhLee Hyun SoNa Hyeon-uNam Yoon-SuSeo Tae WoongSoo Kyung LeeYoon-Su Nam

Genres: Comedy, Korean Drama, Romance

4.6/ 5 5 votes


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Movie plot

An audacious tale of two roommates, one a gay man and another a straight woman. Through the eyes of Mi Ae begins Go Yeong’s clumsy love story. Stories of laughter, tears, and wounds between a mother in denial of her son’s sexuality and his being unable to escape societal judgment. Go Yeong finally meets a pure love like no other, Gyu Ho, but has no choice but to let him go. With Gyu Ho gone, Go Yeong follows a stranger to Thailand and spends a late monsoon vacation. Reminiscing about the good old days that can never be retrieved, he achieves complete personal growth. Written by Mydramalist

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