Son Hae Yeong is the type of person who doesn’t want to lose money under any circumstance. While growing up, she had to share her mother’s love with others. She often found her partners in relationships below her break-even point. Now, Hae Yeong faces the possibility of missing out on a job promotion at her workplace. To avoid such a loss, she makes a plan for a fake wedding. She recruits Kim Ji Uk to be her fiance. Ji Uk works part-time as a cashier at a convenience store. He is the type of person who can’t ignore people in need and tries to do the right thing. He is smooth with every customer at the convenience store, except for one person. That person is Hae Yeong. When she suddenly asks him to become the fake groom at her wedding, he somehow accepts her offer.
No Gain, No Love (2024)
Now showing: episode 12
Country: South Korea
Actors: Andrew Grace…Han Ji-HyunHye-Jin ChoiJeon Hye-wonJoo Min-KyungKim Hye-hwaKim Young-daeLee Il-hwaLee Sang-yiLee You-Jin
Genres: Korean Drama
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