At 26 years old, Xiao Ya works for a large corporation. She tends to accommodate others and doesn’t express her own opinions, making others comfortable but suppressing herself. In the eyes of others, her life seems great; she has a stable job and a motivated boyfriend. However, Xiao Ya knows she is forcing herself into an uncomfortable situation, just barely holding on. When her boyfriend, Zheng Hao, made three major life decisions for her: changing her job, proposing, and deciding on their housing without consulting her, Xiao Ya finally broke her silence. She voiced her feelings for the first time at a stand-up comedy bar. She had been drinking and impulsively improvised a routine mocking her boyfriend, which unexpectedly received laughter from the audience and the support of friends dedicated to stand-up comedy. Xiao Ya finally found a stage where she could express herself openly, which brought her joy and marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life.
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- Drama: Later, I Laughed
- Country: China
- Episodes: 24
- Aired: Nov 23, 2024 - Dec 2, 2024
- Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Original Network: Tencent Video
- Duration: 45 min.
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