Dear Hyeri (2024)

Dear Hyeri (2024)

60 min

Now showing: episode 12

Latest EP: 121110

Country: South Korea

Actors: Choi SoominFila LeeJeon Bae-sooJo Hye-jooKang HoonKang Sang-JoonLee Jin-wookOh Kyung-hwaShin Hye-sun

Genres: Drama, Korean Drama, Romance

3.42/ 5 8 votes


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Movie plot

Joo Eun-Ho (Shin Hae-Sun) is an unknown announcer with 14 years of experience. She struggles for the chance to have her name recognized by the public. She also has another personality in her due to a deep wound in her heart. Her other personality is that of Joo Hye-Ri. Her other personality is super positive and works as a parking attendant. Jung Hyun-O (Lee Jin-Uk) is an ex-boyfriend of Joo Eun-Ho and they dated for a long time, but broke up. He became a star announcer as soon as he joined the broadcasting station and he is the most liked announcer by the public, but he also carries a wound hidden in his mind that he has never shown to anyone. Somehow, Joo Eun-Ho and Jung Hyun-O reunite and help cure each other’s wound. Written by AsianWiki

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