Rini, a first-grade student at Pandega High School, joins a camp in the Wana Alus forest to prove herself strong and approach Miko, the head of the committee whom she secretly likes. Although initially prohibited by the village caretaker, Mbah Sonto, permission was finally granted on the condition that they not disturb the place of offerings. However, during the three days of the camp, events beyond reason occurred. On the night of the peak of the drama performance, Rini, who plays the character of Roro Putri, is suddenly possessed by the real spirit of Roro Putri and triggers mass possession among the other participants. The situation becomes chaotic, many victims are injured and some are in danger of death, Miko, the council, and Mbah Sonto struggle hard to save the students. Will they be able to overcome this supernatural terror and bring all the participants home safely?
Kemah Terlarang: Kesurupan Massal (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 112 min
Country: Indonesia
Director: Ginanti Rona
Actors: Azela PutriCallista ArumCallista MercyDerby RomeroFatih UnruLandung SimatupangM. Iqbal SulaimanNayla D. PurnamaNihna Fitria…Zenia Zein
Genres: Horror, Other Asian
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