Aizawa Masahiro was married to Igarashi Naoto and worked at the same company, but their marriage didn’t go smoothly. They are currently living separately. Due to circumstances, Masahiro quit her job and began to work for another company. She does well her at her new job. One day, her husband Naoto appears in front of her. Her husband was unaware of where she was working for her new job and it happens that Naoto has started to work at the same company. Because they do not want to cause a stir at their new workplace, they hide the fact that they are married and pretend to be strangers. This lie unfortunately leads to a more problematic situation.
Igarashi Fusai wa Giso Tanin (2025) ENGSUB - HD
Igarashi Fusai wa Gisou Tanin
2025 30 min
Now showing: Episode 4 SUB
Country: Japan
Actors: Hyodo KatsumiMizuhashi KenjiShinkawa YuaShiono AkihisaTanabe Momoko
Genres: Comedy, Japan Drama, Romance
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Drama: Igarashi Fusai wa Giso Tanin Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Airs: Jan 8, 2025 - ? Airs On: Wednesday Original Network: TV Tokyo Duration: 30 min. Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
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