A Korean man gives up his entire luxurious life in Seoul in search of someone he’s never forgotten all these years in the hopes that she would fall in love with him, not for who they were back then or who they are now, but for what they can aspire to be: happy, fulfilled and blissfully in love with one another. Written by Viu
Secret Ingredient (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Bimil Jaeryo
Now showing: Episode 6
Country: IndonesiaPhilippinesSouth Korea
Actors: Angelyn LaynoAra AltamiraBilly Jake CortezBilly Ray Gallion…Im Che BokJoshua EliasonJulia BarrettoNicholas SaputraSang Heon LeeTimothy Castillo
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Food, Korean Drama, Romance
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