Faceless (2024)

Faceless (2024) ENGSUB - HD

Shoutai , しょうたい , Faceless

120 min

Country: Japan

Director: Michihito Fujii

Actors: Anna YamadaGôki MaedaHana KinoHideko HaraRiho YoshiokaRyûsei YokohamaShintarô MorimotoTakayuki YamadaYutaka MatsushigeYûya Endô

Genres: Drama, Japan Movie, Thriller

4.62/ 5 5 votes


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Movie: Shotai Country: Japan Release Date: Nov 29, 2024 Duration: 2 hr. 0 min. Content Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Movie plot

Kaburagi (Ryusei Yokohama) was arrested as a suspect in a brutal murder case, but he escapes. He continues to hide and move all around Japan. During this time, he meets Sayaka (Riho Yoshioka), Kazuya (Shintaro Morimoto) and Mai (Anna Yamada). Detective Matanuki (Takayuki Yamada) is on the trail to capture Kaburagi. He interrogates the people who met Kaburagi, but they all describe Kaburagi differently from each other. Kaburagi has been missing for 488 days. Who really is Kaburagi? What is his plan?

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