Masaki Yuichi is an investigator at a law firm. He used to be a secretary for a politician, but was forced to participate in creating slush funds, which caused him distress. While grappling with that, he suffered the tragic loss of his daughter to suicide, leaving him with profound emotional scars and regret. Unable to overcome his past and without any hope for the future, Masaki meets a determined young girl who is desperately searching for her family. Maki was separated from her parents as a baby and grew up in a children’s care facility. Clinging to a single note, she visits the law firm where Masaki works and asks him to help her find her family. Together with Masaki, she visits a town where she once lived with her family, only to learn about a past case in the town—a boy’s kidnapping and murder.
Dareka ga Kono Machi de (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 50 MIN
Now showing: Episode 4 SUB
Country: Japan
Director: Sato Yuichi
Actors: Eguchi YosukeMakita AjuTsuruta Mayu
Genres: Japan Drama, Mystery, Thriller
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- Drama: Dareka ga Kono Machi de
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 4
- Aired: Dec 8, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024
- Aired On: Sunday
- Original Network: WOWOW
- Duration: 50 min.
Movie plot
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