Minase Alice returned to her hometown from Tokyo for the first time in 10 years and reunited with her childhood friend, a high school boy named Harumi. The two childhood friends who have a difference in age are connected by the hearth of the old folk house where Alice lives.
Alice-san Chi no Iroribata (2025) ENGSUB - HD
Alice's Hearth End
Now showing: Episode 5 RAW
Country: Japan
Director: Shinohara TetsuoTomita Miki
Actors: Fumika BabaMasaya KatôRyuga Sato
Genres: Food, Japan Drama, Life, Romance
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Drama: Alice-san Chi no Iroribata Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 7, 2025 - ? Aired On: Tuesday Original Network: BS-TBS Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
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