A transformation project where the contestants gather in a studio that was renovated from a 40,000-pyeong abandoned factory to seize the first and last chance to turn their lives around, performing harsh Spartan-style missions designed by Baek Jong Won. It is expected to be a special reality show that simultaneously captures powerful characters, life-changing narratives, and the charm of heartwarming human documentaries.
Chef Paik & Les Miserables (2024) Episode 9 SUB
Paik's Les Misérables , Baek Jong Won's Les Miserables , Baek Jong Wonui Re Mijerabeul
2024 80 min
Country: South Korea
Actors: Baek Jong WonIm Tae HunKim Kook HeonYun Nam No
Genres: Food, Korean Show, Life
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- TV Show: Chef Paik & Les Miserables
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: Nov 30, 2024 - ?
- Aired On: Saturday
- Original Network: ENA
- Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
Movie plot
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