‘Thongkam’ and ‘Sek’, a devoted gay couple, have worked tirelessly to build a life together, including owning a house and a durian orchard in Mae Hong Son. Tragedy strikes when Sek dies suddenly in an accident, revealing that they were never legally married in Thailand, leaving Thongkam with no rights to their assets. The house and orchard now belong to Sek’s mother, who moves in with her adopted daughter ‘Mo’ and gardener ‘Jingna’. Thongkam must now fight to reclaim the fruits of his love and labor.
The Paradise of Thorns (2024) ENGSUB - HD
Project D , The Marriage , The D Project , Wiman Nam , โปรเจกต์ D , โปรเจกต์ดี
2024 131 min
Country: Thailand
Director: Naruebet Kuno
Actors: Ampon PhonramEngfa WarahaGun HongrattanapornHarit BuayoiJeff SaturNikorn SaetangPaphon JirahitaphatPongsakorn MettarikanonPrawee Saeueng…Srida Puapimol
Genres: Drama, Korean Movie, Thriller
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Movie: The Paradise of Thorns Country: Thailand Release Date: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 2 hr. 5 min. Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
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