One winter day, the four Takezawa sisters ikebana teacher Tsunako, housewife Makiko, librarian Takiko and waitress Sakiko get together for the first time in a while. Takiko suspects that their aging father, Kotaro, has a lover and child. While the other sisters find this unbelievable, they promise to keep this from their mother, Fuji. However, this commotion brings to light various conflicts and secrets that lurk in the women’s lives.
Ashura no Gotoku (2025) ENGSUB - HD
Asura , Like Asura , あしゅらのごとく
Now showing: Episode 7 SUB
Country: Japan
Director: Koreeda Hirokazu
Actors: Jolene Kim…Machiko OnoRie MiyazawaSuzu HiroseYû Aoi
Genres: Drama, Japan Drama
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Drama: Ashura no Gotoku Country: Japan Episodes: 7 Aired: Jan 9, 2025 Aired On: Thursday Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
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