Himenomiya Rei is about to enter high school and start living alone. On the way to move in, he meets Ouji Rin, who looks exactly like the picture of a girl that he drew when he was young and has always treasured. On the day of the entrance ceremony, Rei is in trouble because he has no money for the bus fare, but Rin happens to be there and saves him. Rei feels a sense of “fate” when he finds out that he and Rin go to the same high school, and with the advice of his friend Ito Satoru, he tries to talk to her under the pretext of paying back the bus fare…
Renai Kakumei (2025) ENGSUB - HD
2025 30 min
Now showing: Episode 4 SUB
Country: Japan
Director: Hariu Yuji
Actors: Hidaka YukitoNakayoshi ReiaShimasaki ToaYamanaka ItsukiYoshida MizukiYoshida Ryoka
Genres: Comedy, Japan Drama, Romance, Youth
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Drama: Renai Kakumei Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 12, 2025 - ? Aired On: Sunday Duration: 30 min. Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
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