Successful attorney Jae-wan (Sul Kyung-gu) takes on the case of a wealthy executive’s son who intentionally ran over and murdered a man and gravely injured his daughter. To defend a killer is part of Jae-wan’s profession, another rung on the ladder of his career. On the other hand, his younger brother (Jang Dong-gun) is a devout and honorable pediatrician who consistently prioritizes the health of his patients before personal gain and profit, frequently breaking the regulations of the private clinic where he works. When an unexpected circumstance involving their teenage children emerges, the brothers’ consciences are tested, and their regularly scheduled dinner talk takes an unexpected turn.
A Normal Family (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 116 min
Country: South Korea
Director: Hur Jin-ho
Actors: Claudia KimJang Dong-gunKim Hee-aeSul Kyung-guYoo In-Sun
Genres: Drama, Korean Movie, Thriller
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