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  • Movie: Chime
  • Country: Japan
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2024
  • Duration: 45 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Movie plot

Matsuoka is a teacher at a culinary school. One day, a student, Tashiro, says something strange during the lesson: “There’s a noise, it’s like a chime. Someone is sending me a message.” The people running the school warn him that Tashiro’s a little odd, but Matsuoka isn’t bothered by it at all and continues treating him normally. However, on another day, Tashiro says, “Half of my brain has been replaced with a machine,” and takes drastic action to prove it. Some days after the incident with Tashiro, Matsuoka is teaching a female student, Akemi. Matsuoka continues teaching enthusiastically, but when she complains that a whole chicken leaves her feeling uncomfortable, something incomprehensible overtakes him. Both at school and at home, a strange dread begins to undulate in his ordinary existence…

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