Kubota Tamotsu is a university student who is burdened with a debt. He is a dull student and spends most his time doing part-time work. One day, in an attempt to reduce his debt, he falls into a scam. He is now in the biggest crisis of his life. At that time, he meets a criminal tools dealer and is saved by him. They begin to work together in the criminal world of Ikebukuro, which is dominated by three groups: Jinbokai yakuza group, Gozugumi yakuza group, and the Taiga group. The latter group deals in specials frauds like bank transfer scams. In addition to these, a mysterious duo appears in the criminal world of Ikebukuro.
Hustlin’ Boy (2024) HD RAW
Hasurin Booi
2024 30 min
Now showing: Episode 10 RAW
Country: Japan
Actors: Hayato IchinoseKatsuya MaigumaKôhei TakedaPistol TakeharaShôtarô MamiyaTakenori GotôTarô SurugaTetsuji TamayamaYoshiyuki Yamaguchi…Yûya Endô
Genres: Crime, Drama, Japan Drama
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- Drama: Hustlin' Boy
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Nov 1, 2024 - Dec 20, 2024
- Aired On: Friday
- Original Network: WOWOW
Movie plot
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