Watashi wa Seikei Bijin (2025)

Watashi wa Seikei Bijin (2025) HD RAW


30 min

Now showing: Episode 6

Latest EP: 654

Country: Japan

Director: Noguchi Teruo

Actors: Akitani MoneHonda KyoyaIshii AnnaKubota SayuNagatsuma ReoTanaka Misato

Genres: Japan Drama, Romance

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Drama: Watashi wa Seikei Bijin Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 17, 2025 - ? Aired On: Friday Original Network: Fuji TV Duration: 30 min. Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Movie plot

Katagiri Mirei has been constantly bullied due to her appearance. She decides to take the opportunity to undergo plastic surgery and obtain a beautiful face before entering college. During the school orientation, Mirei receives multiple compliments on her appearance from her classmates, while she is confused, she is secretly elated. However, her joy is short-lived when an incident leads to everyone discovering that she has done plastic surgery. At the same time, Mirei reunites with Sakaguchi Kei, a handsome classmate from her middle school.

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