Kosaka Ren arrives in Japan to take up a special temporary lecturer position at an art university in Kamakura, Japan. He is a young and talented artist, who has a certain aura about him to make people want to get closer to him, but he also keeps a certain distance from everyone around him. Like butterflies that surround a flower, he is surrounded by other people. One day, he meets a certain woman and, because of her, his emotions begin to change. Even though he knows it will hurt … nevertheless.
Wakatte Ite mo: The Shapes of Love (2024) ENGSUB - HD
わかっていても the shapes of love
Now showing: Episode 8 SUB
Country: Japan
Director: Nakagawa Ryutaro
Actors: Minami SaraYokohama Ryusei
Genres: Drama, Japan Drama, Romance
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- Drama: Wakatte Ite mo: The Shapes of Love
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Dec 9, 2024 - Dec 30, 2024
- Aired On: Monday
- Original Network: AbemaTV
Movie plot
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