A grand tale of love, friendship, and family spanning 70 years, set between the coal industry boom in Hashima Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, from 1955 and modern-day Tokyo. The story weaves together the bonds of family, human interactions, and tales of youth and love during the post-war recovery and the high-growth economic period, a time of “nothing much but full of dreams and vitality.” The protagonist will be played by Kamiki Ryunosuke, making his debut as the lead in a Sunday drama. The script is written by Nogi Akiko, directed by Tsukahara Ayuko, with Arai Junko and others serving as producers. Written by Drama-Otaku
Umi ni Nemuru Daiamondo HD RAW
The Diamond Sleeping in the Sea , Umi ni Nemuru Daiyamondo , うみにねむるダイヤモンド
2024 54 min
Now showing: Episode 10
Country: Japan
Director: Fukawa RyosukeFukuda RyosukeTsukahara Ayuko
Actors: Elaiza IkedaHana SugisakiHiroya ShimizuJun KunimuraMariko AkamaNobuko MiyamotoRyunosuke KamikiTao TsuchiyaTomoko NakajimaToshinori Omi…
Genres: Japan Drama, Life, Romance
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- Drama: Umi ni Nemuru Diamond
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 9
- Aired: Oct 20, 2024 - Dec 22, 2024
- Aired On: Sunday
- Original Network: TBS
- Duration: 54 min.
Movie plot
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