The duo of Nasuda Ayumi and Kuki Shizuka confronts the challenges of Japan’s increasingly chaotic healthcare system, exacerbated by a wave of “work style reforms.” With chronic doctor shortages and strict limits on overtime for both doctors and nurses, the healthcare scene is shrinking, and the team faces new battles. Ayumi and Shizuka are now hired by Nishitokyo General Hospital, a core institution in regional healthcare that has long served the community. Following a scandal involving the former hospital director, a “clean and charismatic new director” is appointed, pledging to promote “correct medical practices and correct work styles.” This new director initiates organizational changes focused on work style reforms, including thorough task sharing, work management, and making medical practices more transparent. However, this new director emerges as “the greatest adversary of the season.” Eventually, Ayumi and Shizuka find themselves in conflict with the new leader.
The Travel Nurse Season 2 (2024) HD RAW
ザ・トラベルナース 第2シリーズ
Now showing: Episode 9
Country: Japan
Actors: Adachi YumiMorita MisatoNakai KiichiOkada MasakiTerajima Shinobu
Genres: Drama, Japan Drama, Life, Medical
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- Drama: The Travel Nurse Season 2
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Oct 17, 2024 - ?
- Aired On: Thursday
- Original Network: TV Asahi
- Duration: 54 min.
Movie plot
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