This drama centers on Fujitake Kanae, a science teacher who is assigned to Higashi Shinjuku high school. Despite being seen as a promising researcher, he decided to become a night high school teacher. Those around him whisper that he’s a “failed researcher.” The enigmatic Fujitake, along with the science club students of various ages and backgrounds, tackles an unprecedented experiment to recreate a “Mars crater” in the classroom. Written by Drama-Otaku
Sora Wataru Kyoshitsu (2024)
Classroom Across the Sky , 宙(そら)わたる教室 , The Science Club
2024 45 min
Now showing: episode 8
Country: Japan
Actors: Aoi ItôAoi NakamuraFumino KimuraIssei OgataMaria Theresa GowMasataka KubotaTetsushi TanakaToranosuke Kobayashi
Genres: Japan Drama, Life, Youth
Movie plot
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