An innocent compliment during a livestream brings Kla, who doesn’t have a sweet tooth, and the innocent Cake together. It isn’t long until their interactions begin to spread like wildfire on social media, sparking heated discussions. A story full of love and warmth begins.
Live in Love
Now showing: episode 5
Country: Thailand
Actors: Chindanai DechawaleekulEng Thitivut SusereechaiHaii Sarunsathorn TanawatcharawatJunior Chokkorn DeotrakulNapat SrinakluanNina Pichayanin PichayadechakarnNophasit ThiengthamRuethaiphat PhatthananapaphangkornTanawat HudchaleelahaVitsarut Suwinijjit…
Genres: Drama, Thai Drama
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