Laura Anna and her struggle to survive after having an accident with her lover. If in real life Laura Anna’s lover is known to be named Gaga, then in the film version Laura’s boyfriend’s name is changed to Jojo. Laura’s happy and cheerful life as a teenager who was popular on social media suddenly changed drastically due to the accident. Sadly, Laura was the only one who had to bear the fatal consequences of the accident. Because Laura had a spinal injury that left her paralyzed for the rest of her life. Meanwhile, Jojo only suffered minor injuries that were not life-threatening. Laura also had to get used to living lying down. However, Laura Anna, accompanied by her family and friends, remains enthusiastic about recovering. Jojo himself was still with Laura during her illness even though various conflicts eventually started to occur and caused their relationship to fail.
Laura (2024) ENGSUB - HD
2024 104 min
Country: Indonesia
Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Actors: Amanda RawlesCarissa PerussetFachrul HadidFadi AlaydrusJinan SafaKaneishia YusufKevin ArdilovaMuhammad FauzanNiloufer Fadila…Rafly Altama Putra
Genres: Drama, Other Asian
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