It is a sitcom talk show program set in a school. In each episode, new celebrity guests appear as transfer students at the ‘Brother School’ where seven mischievous brother students wait for them. The show consists of several dynamic sessions. In ‘Guess About Me,’ Celebrity guests create random, secret questions about themselves. Then the hosts called ‘Knowledgeable Bros’ make humorous guesses to get the answers. Another session is ‘Bros Inside’, an ad-lib skit show, where entertainers are given only the setting for a story and have to perform completely ad-libbed skits.
Knowing Bros (2015) Episode 467 SUB
Knowing Brothers , A Hyung I know , Men on a Mission , Aneun Hyeongnim , Ask Us Anything
2015 100 min
Country: South Korea
Actors: Ho-Dong KangKim HeechulKyeong Hoon MinLee Jin-ho…Lee Sang-minLee Soo-geunSeo Jang-hoonShin Dong-heeSung-kyu JangYoung Chul Kim
Genres: Comedy, Korean Show
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