Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born (2024)

Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born (2024)

70 min

Now showing: episode 12

Latest EP: 121110

Country: South Korea

Actors: Jang Hye-jinJung Eun-chaeKim Tae-riKim Yoon-hyeLee Mi-doRa Mi-ranRyu Seung-su…Shin Ye-eunWoo Da-ViWoo Mi-hwa

Genres: Drama, Korean Drama, Music

4.14/ 5 5 votes


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Movie plot

Jeong Nyeon has no money or education, but she is a Mokpo girl with a talent for singing. Her dream is to join a women’s traditional theater company, and make it big. But she has a lot to learn and a long way to go before becoming a lead actor. Will Jeong Nyeon achieve her dream of becoming a big star and getting rich? Written by MyDramaList

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