Each episode features guest singers, both experienced and talented rookies. They each perform their own reinterpreted versions of famous songs by the legendary singer of the episode. Guest singers are seated in a waiting room with the three hosts, where they introduce themselves to viewers. Performance order is decided randomly by ball drawing before each round, and the 500 member audience votes after each round for their favorite performance
Immortal Songs Episode 692 RAW
2011 95 min
Country: South Korea
Actors: Choi Sung-heeHong Kyeong-minHong Seo-beomJung Dong-haKim Da-hyeonKim Kyung-hoLee Ji-hoonMin Woo-Hyuk…Sin Dong-yupYounha
Genres: Korean Show, Music
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TV Show: Immortal Songs: Singing the Legend Country: South Korea Episodes: 690 Aired: Jun 4, 2011 - ? Aired On: Saturday Original Network: KBS1 Duration: 1 hr. 50 min. Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
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