“How to Spot a Red Flag” is about a spunky barista, who is torn between two gorgeous-looking men – a confident bad boy and a charming good boy, who are both involved in catfishing her. Despite noticing the red flags in the two men, is it still possible for her to find real love?
How to Spot a Red Flag (2024) ENGSUB - HD
How to Spot a Red Flag
Now showing: Episode 24 SUB
Country: Hong KongPhilippines
Director: Dwein Baltazar
Actors: Angel AquinoBelle MarianoBenjie ParasChristian VasquezDonny PangilinanEsnyr RanolloJameson BlakeKira BalingerMylene Dizon
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- Drama: How to Spot a Red Flag
- Country: Philippines
- Episodes: 10
- Aired: Nov 25, 2024 - ?
- Aired On: Monday, Tuesday
- Original Network: Viu
Movie plot
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