Hotei no Dragon (2025)

Hotei no Dragon (2025) HD RAW

Houtei no Dragon , Houtei no Doragon , ほうていのドラゴン

54 MIN

Now showing: Episode 1

Latest EP: 1

Country: Japan

Director: Horie Takahiro

Actors: Kamishiraishi MoneShiraishi MaiTakasugi MahiroTanabe SeiichiWakui Emi

Genres: Japan Drama, Law, Thriller

4.85/ 5 1 votes


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Drama: Hotei no Dragon Country: Japan Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 17, 2025 - ? Aired On: Friday Original Network: TV Tokyo Duration: 54 min. Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Movie plot

Fuda Kotaro works as a lawyer and runs his own office, Fuda Law Office. He inherited his law firm from his late father. He is a kind lawyer and always places his clients first, but his law office is in danger of going out of business. One day, he meets Tendo Tatsumi at the courthouse. She hands him an envelope that predicts the outcome of the case that he is working on. Her prediction turns out to be accurate.

Kotaro decides to hire her, even though she has no legal experience, on a trial basis. Tatsumi pursued her dream of becoming a professional shogi player, but an incident led her to follow the path of a lawyer. She begins to work at Fuda Law Office. She solves cases using a strategy she honed from the board game of shogi.

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