The drama is about a highly successful lawyer who falls from grace because of one case. He becomes a fixed term teacher at a high school that is tied to that case in order to regain his honor. Though he goes into the classroom for selfish reasons, he begins to see the crimes that take place and he takes matters into his own hands to help protect victims from their peers. The drama shines a spotlight on the reality of teenagers facing little to no repercussions after committing a crime because they are teenagers, providing no protection for those who become a victim to these crimes.
Class of Lies ENGSUB - HD
Mr. Fixed Term , Miseuteo Kikanje , Mister Temporary , Mr. Temporary , Undercover Teacher , Miseuteo Kikanjke
2019 70 min
Now showing: Episode 16 SUB
Country: South Korea
Director: Park Ji HyunSung Yong Il
Actors: Choi Yu-hwaChoo Soo-binHan So-eunJang Dong-jooJeong Soo-hyunKeum Sae-rokKoo Ja-keon…Lee Jun-youngLee Jung-minYoon Kyun-sang
Genres: Korean Drama, Law, Mystery, Thriller, Youth
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- Drama: Class of Lies
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 16
- Aired: Jul 17, 2019 - Sep 5, 2019
- Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday
- Original Network: OCN
- Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Movie plot
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